2021 Power Curbers Academy - 5700 Super B (Feb 1)
This 5700-Super-B session will be a live, virtual presentation that covers various aspects of the machine operation and technical aspects together with application information.
Application/operation: Safety; controls; machine set up; vibration; tight radius work; issues.
Technical: Power train; Hydraulic system; electrical system; Mechanical (posts, crawlers, trimmer, conveyor).
We strongly recommend that attendees follow the training using a PC or tablet as some of the material may be difficult to see, or follow, on a mobile phone screen.
We will offer a series of connection tests on the 28/29 January for you to trial connect your device(s) before the training starts.
If you have any questions or need further information please contact our Product Support team (productsupport@powercurbers.com or 704-647-6141).
Thank you for your continued support.
Steve Peacock, Product Support Manager & Fred Bryan, Vice President of Sales
February 1, 2021
8:00 am - 5:00 pm
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